sublime markdown preview

Freshly installed, Sublime Text doesn't offer any specific Markdown support—no syntax highlighting, no special italic or bold formatting, no keyboard shortcuts, and no HTML preview or output. You can add a fantastic Markdown editing theme, inline prev

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了解更多 »

  • Preview and build your markdown files quickly in your web browser from sublime text 2/3. Y...
    GitHub - revolunetsublimetext-markdown-preview: markdown pr ...
  • Freshly installed, Sublime Text doesn't offer any specific Markdown support—no syntax ...
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  • Preview and build your markdown files quickly in your web browser from sublime text 2/3. Y...
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  • Markdown Preview较常用的功能是preview in browser和Export HTML in Sublime Text,前者可以在浏览器看到预览效果,后者可将m...
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  • 該日誌由 JannCouncil 于3年前發表在綜合分類下,最後更新于 2014年10月02日. 轉載請註明: [Markdown]sublime markdown preview...
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